Friday, February 15, 2013

Cal Endria's Journal: 1st January, 1 AF

What ho! Jubilation is in the air! Our village is rising up from the jungle floor and a new year is dawning! As we begin our first year in the new land of possibilities, it is only fitting that we should mark our time from this point forward.

With that in mind, this new year of bright beginnings shall be year one in our new calendar. Henceforth we shall mark our years with the designation A.F., or After Founding.

As I said, this night has seen a glorious celebration. Not only is our future bright, but we have managed to forge a home in this wilderness. In a mere month and a half we have erected a dozen homes, have begun work on our business district and are tilling fields to begin growing crops.

Meanwhile, the land has been more than generous, providing abundant fruit and wild goats. We have managed to catch a number of the latter and they are a welcome addition to the livestock we already possess. I do not think we need fear succumbing to hunger in this land. We have chosen wisely.

Still already we are planning for Sharky's coming in mid-spring. We are storing half of all we collect and produce. When Sharky arrives on our first Tariff Day, I mean for him to be pleased with our offering so that he will leave us in peace for another six months. That is the state of our existence right now, a sobering thought for the end of a triumphant day. 

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