Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Cal Endria's Journal: 1st December, 4169

This is the first opportunity I have had to record my thoughts this week. We have been extremely busy, but have spent our time most profitably, to my mind. Everyone has pitched in and our little settlement is beginning to take shape.

Our first step was to erect some modest shelters out of poles and sailcloth. Pens for the livestock were also constructed. These took but two days to complete, such was the enthusiasm and the vigor with which we all worked. It was marvelous to be working for ourselves and the good of a community rather than Sharky's ungodly ends.

As a result, all worked with a will unheard of in our pirate days. The livestock were transferred from the ship to the newly constructed pens, and I believe they were just as happy as we with the change in their fortunes.

Next, we began felling trees for use in the building of permanent structures. This also serves the dual purpose of clearing land. We have mapped out a plan for the village, which we shall call Newburgh. It will consist of a village square up on the hill overlooking the harbor. In time, we shall construct a pier and a proper port. What grand plans we have!

Always, though, my thoughts stray to what we left behind. The bargain we made with Sharky weighs heavily upon my mind. It is too easy to give ourselves up to our newfound freedom. In reality it is but a mirage, for we all know that in one year's time Sharky shall come to collect his Tariff, and he shall return twice a year thereafter for 100 years.

Ah well, that is all in the future at this point. It will not be to anyone's benefit to dwell upon it now. We must work to build our village and make it a pleasant home. If we have not produced anything by the time he returns, then Sharky shall surely level the place and sell us all for slaves--or worse.

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