Cal Endria's Journal: 25th November, 4169
Our first day in our new home was a productive one. We spent our last night aboard The Rusty Scupper in relative comfort, although I daresay the prospect of spending the following night and every night thereafter on the shores of our new homeland may have softened our perceptions somewhat.
With the coming of the dawn we commenced with unloading the Scupper, and transporting our goods to shore. This has proved to be a most onerous task, as Sharky gave us very few longboats and we had to make many trips between ship and shore.
While the men were unloading, the women and children went about the work of setting up camp on the beach. Fires were lit and tents fashioned out of oilcloth, branches and palm leaves. They did a fine job, and the camp will be most acceptable until more permanent shelters can be built.
We were able to bring a few head of cattle away with us, as well as a couple of oxen and other sundry livestock, including some chickens. On our previous visit, I had noted the herds of goats that grazed in the mountains, so we should be reasonably well fixed for livestock. Weatherbee took a few lads and built some temporary pens in which to keep our beasts and fowl.
We were all exhausted by the end of the day, but well satisfied. It felt good to be engaged in hard work with an honest purpose. To be free of Sharky's devilish designs at long last was balm for the soul, and I rejoiced in the happiness of my friends and comrades in this grand adventure. However, for me these feelings were tempered by the stark reality that we are not yet truly free from Sharky and that his will still holds sway even now.
There is still the matter of the Tariff. In just a year's time, Sharky will return to take half of whatever we have produced. After that, he will return every six months for more. As I write this, I am looking past our campfire toward the mountains beyond. They seem impenetrable, but if we could find some hidden way over them we might one day be truly free of Sharky and the pirate nation.
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