Cal Endria's Journal: 11th November, 4169
I've done it! Oh how sweet success, and how near to disaster I came! But wait. Let me gain control of my emotions, for I can hardly contain myself. I shall start at the beginning in order to accurately chronicle the course of events.
This morning I met with Sharky. I almost made some excuse and took my leave, as he was in a foul temper. However, I reminded myself that he is always in a foul temper and that faint heart never gained anything, so I cleared my throat and put forth my proposal.
I proposed that Sharky let myself and 48 lads and our families out of our compact to set up a homestead on the land we discovered less than a week ago. In exchange for this, I told him that we would pay a tariff of half of everything produced by our settlement for the next 100 years.
I barely had time to make this proposal when Sharky rose up, trembling with rage and made as if to strike me. I thought that I had reached my end, but he regained control of himself.
I could see his mind working. Then he said, "Endria, I've no use for lily-livered cowards in me crew. I'd as soon kill the lot o' ye, but if ye can carve a civilization out o' that jungle an' provide me with the fruits of yer labor, then I thinks we has a bargain."
With that, we spat in our hands and shook on the bargain. Sharky has agreed to provide us with one of the ships in his fleet, the Rusty Scupper. She is the least seaworthy ship in the fleet and not much of a vessel, but she should get us back to the mainland.
I immediately went to relay the happy news to my mates, who rejoiced that I had not been killed. Sharky has given us until nightfall to be gone from the fleet, so I must go and coordinate the removal of the families and their possessions to the Scupper. I shall relate our progress in my next entry.
This result has been better than I dared hope. Now we can truly look forward to the promise of a brighter future!
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